
Alcohol and breast cancer risk

A woman's risk of breast cancer usually increases when a family history of breast cancer. However, this risk can be reduced with lifestyle changes and behavior, particularly in terms of alcohol consumption.
A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows, teenage girls with a family history of breast cancer have a higher risk of suffering from cancers such as increased consumption of alcohol.
Researchers claim, this is the first finding that the relationship between alcohol consumption in adolescents with risk of breast cancer. The reason for this mostly just research linking alcohol to breast cancer risk in women age 50s, 40s, 60s and the risk of invasive breast cancer, instead of the initial risk that can lead to invasive breast cancer.
Previous research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, in which Colditz also act as researchers discovered, there has been a moderate increase in breast cancer risk by consuming 3-6 glasses of alcohol per week per adult women, regardless of whether he has a family history of breast cancer .
In his research Colidtz also find interesting facts, which are not found to increase the risk of benign breast lesions in young women (with no history of breast cancer) related to alcohol consumption. However, they seem obvious risk with increasing body mass index in childhood, waist circumference in adolescence and height.
The findings indicate, there are differences in risk factors between women with a history of breast cancer and those who did not.
Height associated with breast cancer risk. And some data showing explosive growth led to a higher risk of developing cancer later in life. Obviously, it's not something we can control. But if we can understand what is going on hormones and processes in the body, and the role of physical activity and diet, we may be able to modify some of the accumulated risk of early breast cancer.

not only the intoxicating effects of alcohol

Almost every person who drinks alcoholic beverages have experienced dizziness or feeling miserable after drinking another in an amount exceeding the dose. However, more than just drunk, habitsAlcohol is actually a very broad impact on health.
The negative consequences of drinking alcohol will about the various organs in the body, from the brain, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, to the large intestine.
Excessive alcohol drinking in general cause a reaction of confusion, slowing of reaction time, blurred vision, until the loss of concentration and muscle coordination, all of which can make a person's injury or fatal accident.
In addition, the use of alcohol in a short time and can lead to excessive alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication which could endanger lives.
Intoxication occurs when the amount of alcohol consumed in the limit of tolerance of the person triggering the physical and mental disorders.
The heavy drinkers in the long term risk of chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, particularly the stomach. Chronic inflammation that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract to form intestinal ulcers and erosion to cause structural changes in the gut until finally transformed into malignant cells (cancer).

Another serious impact of alcoholism is a disease of bone loss (osteoporosis), impotence, until fertility problems and breast cancer.

Even so, the effects of alcohol were not always bad. In the last five years the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption has become a major topic of many news though is still considered controversial.
One that should be highlighted from the results of research on the benefits of alcohol consumption in moderation is. Some studies also mention the positive impact will only be found in people who are middle-aged.
In fact, consumption of alcohol in moderation is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or for those aged under 21 years.


Korean Researchers Develop Healthy Alcohol

Alcohol presents a number of harmful side effects for who drinking. Ranging from organ damage, loss of coordination, and disorders that can lead to other dangerous things. However, for some drinkers of alcohol, drunk sensation is very tempting.

For that, Kwang-il Kwon, a Korean doctor and Hye Gwang Jeong, researchers from Chungnam National University in South Korea to develop a safe alcohol.

Unlike other research groups that focus on the manufacture of alcoholic substitute for alcohol, the two Korean scientists are researching oxygenated alcohol alcohol which is a type popular in Korea.

Oxygenated alcohol has a similar appearance with Carbonated alcohol such as beer and other alcoholic beverages. However, the main gas from the alcohol species is diatomic oxygen, not carbon dioxide.

To test, the researchers gave each of 19.5 percent and 19.5 percent alcohol oxygenated uncarbonated drink alcohol at doses of 240 and 360 milliliters of a drunk respondents.

Interestingly, those who drank alcohol oxygenated aware of between 20 to 30 minutes faster than those who drink regular alcohol. More and more oxygen is mixed in alcohol, the sooner drinkers aware of the drunk.

For example, respondents who drank 360 milliliters of oxygenated alcohol with the oxygen content of 20 ppm realized 23.3 minutes earlier than usual to those who drank alcohol in the same dose a lot. Once oxygen was increased to 25 ppm, they realized 27 minutes faster.

Tests showed that the next morning, they are rarely oxygenated drinking experience discomfort than those who drank alcohol conventional. Those who experience a hangover was not as severe as those who drink regular alcohol.

From the research revealed that the oxygenation minimize negative effects on the body. The rapid re-aware of indicate that the oxygenated drinking alcohol is processed more quickly, which means reducing the burden on the liver and other organs. Diminishing the effects of a hangover in the morning also indicate that blood flow to the brain better lower the risk of brain damage.

"Beverage alcohol reduces the oxygen-rich plasma concentrations of alcohol beverage alcohol more quickly than usual. This allows the drinker more quickly aware of the drunk, "Kwon said, as quoted by DailyTech, 14 November 2010. "In addition, this type of alcohol also reduces the side effects without reducing the sensation of drinking alcohol," he said.

Although managed to make alcohol more "healthy" for peminumnya, but has not been clarified whether these oxygenated alcohols have the same taste on the tongue and in the mouth than regular alcohol. If a successful match, the study barhasil make a major breakthrough towards drink in the movie Star Trek called "synthehol" aka synthetic alcohol.


kudzu extract for the treatment of addiction

Tree extract kudzu (Pueraria lobata) is being developed as an alternative for the treatment of alcoholics and cocaine addicts. Trials conducted by researchers at Gilead Sciences Inc. on rats, reported the journal Nature Medicine, proved that the extract could stop the habit of taking cocaine.

Kudzu is an ancient drug for alcoholics. Pueraria vines of the family came from Asia and has spread to most areas of the Southeast, the United States. Plants imported from Asia, to control soil erosion. 

Experiments in mice showed the extract can stop the rodents that consume cocaine. Extracts were also able to prevent a recurrence of an addiction is, after all the rats free of cocaine.

They found that extracts of the workings of raising the level of a material called tetrahydropapaveroline (THP). Addicted to cocaine make level one brain chemical called dopamine increases and THP to interfere with the situation.



Pure alcohol is not consumed by humans. Which is often consumed beverage alcohol containing similar material, usually is ethyl alcohol or ethanol (CH3CH2OH). This material is produced from sugar fermentation process that was conceived from the malt and some fruits such as hops, grapes and so forth.

Several types of beverage and alcohol content:
- Beer: 2-8%  
- Dry wines: 8-14%  
- Vermouth: 18 - 20%  
- Cocktail wine: 20 - 21% 
- Cordial: 25 - 40% 
- Spirits: 40 - 50%

As a result of usage: When a person consumes a drink containing alcohol, substance. absorbed by the stomach, into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body tissues, resulting in disruption of all the existing systems in the body.Large due to alcohol depends on various factors, including body weight, age, gender, and certainly the frequency and amount of alcohol consumed.

Moderate effect: euphoria (feeling happy and comfortable), more talking and feeling dizzy
Effects after drinking large amounts:
- A lot to say - Nausea ('neg)
- Vomiting 
- Headaches, dizziness 
- Thirst
- Feeling tired  
- Disorientation  
- Decreased blood pressure
- Reflex slowing  
Due to Use - Long Term:
- Anxiety  
- Shaking / tremors 
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- When accompanied by poor nutrition, will damage vital organs such as brain and liver
- It is potentially creates a feeling of addiction / dependence
- The longer of use, the greater the tolerance the body so as to get
the same effect, the longer the greater the dose.

When a pregnant mother to consume, will result in babies who have a higher risk of mental development barriers and other abnormalities, and also at greater risk become alcoholics as adults.


Alcohol Addiction?

The medical use of alcohol is continuously at risk of, heart, brain (cardiomyopathy), nervous system, digestive system (gastritis), liver (liver cirrhosis) and impotence. While in pregnant women, may increase the risk of birth defects.

If an alcoholic invited to think about the dangers of alcohol, they certainly agree that the use of alcohol continuously and in large numbers at risk on their health. But as "binge drinking" begins they are helpless to stop it. Why is that?

The atmosphere of intimacy that is formed during a ritual drink together, further dramatizing the need to add "shot". Also the nature of alcohol which can stimulate the CNS (central nervous system) provides a delicious sensation.

Regular alcohol use can also result in tolerance so that the longer the body's need for alcohol increases. Because alcohol easily soluble in blood, over time the blood alcohol levels will be higher. This situation that can damage the function of various organs.

If the use of alcohol used as a means of compensation / fugitives such as stress relief job, family problems, can be sure that habit will develop into an addiction / addiction.

Vicious cycle between addiction and tolerance to alcohol body becomes a cycle that can be deadly!

Overcoming alcohol addiction

Overcoming alcohol addiction must be followed by the detoxification process, namely the process of eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body. To be effective, the process must be supported by lifestyle changes.

Detoxification is only complete, because the effort to overcome the addiction must begin with the intention of the addicts themselves. Whatever way he will not succeed if the concerned yet steady 100 percent.

If the determination was made, the process of detoxification is done by replacing body fluids or rehydration. In this process, water will shed the toxins and impurities in the body

Process will be effective if accompanied by changes in lifestyle. Some of them are as follows.

Drink more waterTo clean up toxic alcohol, one must add the consumption of fluids as much as 2-3 liters / day karen cells in the body needs fluids to function properly. While doing detoxification, adequate fluid will greatly help the immune system. The liquid also will launch the disposal of toxins including residual alcohol from the body.

Eating fresh vegetables and fruitBits of fruit juice (beetroots) berkhasian believed to cleanse the liver, while carrot juice can strengthen the immune system. To support the detoxification process, combine beet juice, carrot and apple. Cranberry juice can also be added, being able to purify the body of toxins impurities.

Consuming herbs and supplementsSeveral species of plants and herbs or supplements that contain vitamin B can help reduce physical and psychological tensions that arise during the process of alcohol detoxification. Consult with your doctor or consultant herbs, supplements what works with each individual condition.

Doing sportsThe process of detoxification can trigger depression, which can be mitigated by doing yoga or other exercise regularly. Because many of potassium released with sweat, Balance with consume more fruits and vegetables. Bananas, melons, tomatoes, citrus and green vegetables contain lots of potassium.

Keep in mind, the depression that arises during the detoxification process can lead to feeling restless and irritable. In severe conditions, side effects of detoxification can lead to tremors (shaking) or hallucinations. These conditions require sedation to be purchased with a prescription.
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