The medical use of alcohol is continuously at risk of, heart, brain (cardiomyopathy), nervous system, digestive system (gastritis), liver (liver cirrhosis) and impotence. While in pregnant women, may increase the risk of birth defects.
If an alcoholic invited to think about the dangers of alcohol, they certainly agree that the use of alcohol continuously and in large numbers at risk on their health. But as "binge drinking" begins they are helpless to stop it. Why is that?
The atmosphere of intimacy that is formed during a ritual drink together, further dramatizing the need to add "shot". Also the nature of alcohol which can stimulate the CNS (central nervous system) provides a delicious sensation.
Regular alcohol use can also result in tolerance so that the longer the body's need for alcohol increases. Because alcohol easily soluble in blood, over time the blood alcohol levels will be higher. This situation that can damage the function of various organs.
If the use of alcohol used as a means of compensation / fugitives such as stress relief job, family problems, can be sure that habit will develop into an addiction / addiction.
Vicious cycle between addiction and tolerance to alcohol body becomes a cycle that can be deadly!